То, что в квадратных скобках - это я не знаю, что такое, тупо транслитерировал аббревиатуру. Расшифруешь ее - переведу



1. change in the law about the budget in 2008 (lease of the earth).

2. analysis of law from 22.12.06 “about the complex reconstruction…”.

3. new forms of the outlet of the earth for building, passage of right to the earth with the alienation of real estate - change in the land code (law from 27.04.2007).

4. are possible at the present moment investment agreements in the building of dwelling? Attraction of means from the population. The methods of the solution of the problems, which appear according to the law from 15.12.2005, survey of practice. Explanations Of the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Construction.
Survey of the most common agreements in the building and the possibility for their application after the adoption of law from 15.12.2005 (share participation, the compatible activity, commission, and so forth). Disputes apropos of shared participation (based on the example of the concrete judicial matters).

5. change to the law of the Ukraine “about the financial credit mechanisms and the control of property with the building of dwelling and the operations with real estate”. Confidence property.
The legislation, which regulates relations in the building. Special features of the application of TsK and [GK] - what code to return advantage? Always whether are required [DBN]? Degree of the need for other legal reports in the building how to distinguish required and optional? Some special features of the judicial trial of the disputes in the building (revision of the cost of the executed and taken works, designation, and the payment of examinations, proof).

6. new methods and attempt at the deviation from the performance of its obligations regarding investment contracts in the judicial practice - acknowledgement of agreements as the ineffective, non-concluded. Methods of opposition.

7. spore apropos of the required payment of housebuilder to the social needs - judicial practice.

8. regulating the agreements of contract on the decision [KMU] from 1.08.2005. The exemplary agreement of contract in the capital construction on the order Of national building commitee from 27.10.2005 №3. the order of the conclusion of a treaty of contract, what conditions are required? Survey of judicial practice.

9. requirement for form and content of the agreements based on materials of judicial conflicts (what to make, when are absent required applications to the investment agreement, mixed contracts, collateral agreements and so forth)

10. generalization of the contemporary experience of the solution of the conflicts, which appear with land posession (??? не уверен в термине, но смысл этот) (based on the example of Kiev and large cities). Public hearings. Some questions of the application of the Land law.

11. Warranty periods, the concealed defects, limitation of actions.

12. Exception of the earth in owner for social demands under the building, the conflicts and the methods of their solution, contemporary judicial practice.

13. Calculations: are possible prices in SKV, possibility for changing the solid estimate in the case of an increase in the cost of construction materials, tariffs and so forth. Reports of collation - new in the judicial practice.

14. what to make, if housebuilder does not begin building - judicial practice.

15. Sanctions and responsibility for the breach of the agreement of contract. The special features of the compensation of losses - which gives warning about the possible disturbance of agreement conditions in the future.

16. force majeur - contemporary view and judicial practice. Typical errors.

17. Formulation of adherence to the treaty, the reception-transmission of objects, the periods of the end of building, new in the legislation, conflicts and judicial practice, the methods to decrease the caused price through the law court after the signing of the reports of reception-transmission. Defects of the report of reception-transmission and formulation of property rights - judicial practice. Signing of reports by one side.

18. Law from 15.12.2005 and the objects of the unfinished building - as to design transfer- alienation, mortgage. Changes in the civil code. Old problems and the new methods of their solution. On what the investor can establish property rights in the unfinished house - survey of contemporary practice.

19. interest free (purposeful) bonds in the home construction activity. Who can let out them. As to design property rights on the bonds. Risks of emission and acquisition.

20. Property relations in the building - change according to the law from 15.12.2005. Position of the Ministry of Justice of the Ukraine. What agreements cause problems with the formulation of property rights and the protection of the rights of investor. Use of arbitration vessels for establishment and formulation of property rights. Debatable questions and the explanation of Ministry of Justice.

21. New INSTRUCTION of Ministry of Construction relative to conducting of separation, apportionment and calculating the parts of the objects of real estate.